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GRPW-MS: Geographic Routing a Mobile Sink in WSNs

by Yassine Sabri, Najib El Kamoun
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 2 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Yassine Sabri, Najib El Kamoun

Yassine Sabri, Najib El Kamoun . GRPW-MS: Geographic Routing a Mobile Sink in WSNs. Communications on Applied Electronics. 2, 5 ( July 2015), 51-56. DOI=10.5120/cae2015651700

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title = { GRPW-MS: Geographic Routing a Mobile Sink in WSNs },
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In this paper we present an enhancement to the GRPW algorithm for wireless sensor networks. Performance of GRPW algorithm algorithm depends heavily on the immobile sink node position. This prediction can be hard to do. For that reason, we propose a modified algorithm that is able to adapt to the current situation in the network in which the sink node considered mobile. In this paper, in line with our previous efforts, we investigate the approach that makes use of a mobile sink for balancing the traffic load and in turn improving network lifetime. Simulations were performed on GRPW as well as on the proposed Routing algorithm. The efficiency factors that were evaluated was total number of transmissions in the network and total delivery rate. The simulation results show that a the proposed Routing algorithm in some cases could outperform the existing algorithm. And in general the proposed Routing algorithm may perform reasonable well for a large number network setups.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


WSN Routing Mobile Sink Localization Geographic Routing