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Reseach Article

Palm Print Recognition System using Naive Bayes Classifier and Image Processing Tools

by Hosne-Al-Walid, Tasnia Sadia, Anika Tahsin, Tanzima Asad, Nishat Tasnim
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 2 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Hosne-Al-Walid, Tasnia Sadia, Anika Tahsin, Tanzima Asad, Nishat Tasnim

Hosne-Al-Walid, Tasnia Sadia, Anika Tahsin, Tanzima Asad, Nishat Tasnim . Palm Print Recognition System using Naive Bayes Classifier and Image Processing Tools. Communications on Applied Electronics. 2, 6 ( August 2015), 45-49. DOI=10.5120/cae2015651794

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%A Anika Tahsin
%A Tanzima Asad
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Biometric authentication has become a must in recent days. People have become part of many organization & website where security maintenance is very important to ensure convenient system usability. Research regarding this issue is of a large significance to improve and increase performance of existing biometric system. In this particular paper it is tried to add some new features to existing palm print recognition system to check whether it enhances the authentication performance or not. One of the most important features of biometric system is that it does not need not to be memorized or kept safely. In the current era of technological advancement Biometric system is the ultimate solution regarding authentication & identification process of tomorrow’s world. In this system human palm has used for both ID & Password which is uniquely used by the owner of that palm print only. The main and significant features of a palm print are extracted and stored in a database for enrollment and verification of human identification. A distinct feature of biometric system is that it can be used anywhere you want such as sign in a website, enter a building, attendance, bank account or financial security, security of highly classified information and where ever authentication of identity is required. People are more vulnerable to security attack now. One can enter your private information without engaging much effort. Even most complex passwords cannot ensure 100% security. So, you need not to create different complex passwords and memorize them when you use a biometric system. Firstly images are preprocessed and the features are extracted to store them in the database to enroll the human. Because, the information should be available when you verify them using new data. Palm print provides a better performance for identification & authentication compared to other biometric systems.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Median Filter Preprocessing Threshold Histogram Distance Measure Biometric System Feature Extraction Co-Ordinates of Key Points Naive- Bayes Classifier