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DWEDDEEC: Distance Aware Waiting based EDDEEC Protocol for Hetrogeneous WSNS

by Rajeev Kumar, Rajdeep Kaur, Reeta Bhardwaj
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 2 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Rajeev Kumar, Rajdeep Kaur, Reeta Bhardwaj

Rajeev Kumar, Rajdeep Kaur, Reeta Bhardwaj . DWEDDEEC: Distance Aware Waiting based EDDEEC Protocol for Hetrogeneous WSNS. Communications on Applied Electronics. 2, 6 ( August 2015), 50-57. DOI=10.5120/cae2015651771

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%A Rajeev Kumar
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%A Reeta Bhardwaj
%T DWEDDEEC: Distance Aware Waiting based EDDEEC Protocol for Hetrogeneous WSNS
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As Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) contain numerous sensor nodes containing limited battery power that collect and transmit the data collected from all the nodes towards the Base Station which needs much energy utilization. There are several routing protocols which are already proposed under this consideration attaining effectiveness of energy in heterogeneous circumstances. Although, every protocol is unsuitable for heterogeneous WSNs. Efficiency of WSNs declines as varying the heterogeneity of sensor nodes. Though EDDEEC has depicted quite considerable outcomes compared to already developed existing WSNs protocols but it has ignore the utilization of waiting time of node to become cluster heads (CHs). Therefore might a few nodes will not turn out to be CHs for a very long time still they contain more confidence to become CHs. Therefore to conquer this issue we have used a waiting counter called W_r (i). W_r (i) is then total number of waiting rounds for a given node to become CH. It will generate a +ve value that will constantly amplify the node to T (n) value for a specified node to become CH. So it will produce more optimized CHs. For getting the better results more we have used the minimum allowed distance (MDCH) between two CHs to cover the sensor field in the most proficient manner.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


WSNs DEEC heterogeneity super nodes T-absolute