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Contemporary RSA- 1024 Cryptosystem: A Comprehensive Review Article

by Sanjeev Karmakar, Siddhartha Choubey
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 3 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Sanjeev Karmakar, Siddhartha Choubey

Sanjeev Karmakar, Siddhartha Choubey . Contemporary RSA- 1024 Cryptosystem: A Comprehensive Review Article. Communications on Applied Electronics. 3, 1 ( October 2015), 12-18. DOI=10.5120/cae2015651837

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%T Contemporary RSA- 1024 Cryptosystem: A Comprehensive Review Article
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Security strength of RSA Cryptography is an enormous mathematical integer factorization problem. Deducing the private key‘d’ from its equation e. d ≡ (1 mod ψ) where ψ = (p-1). (q-1), £ n Є I+, such that n = p. q; is a world wide effort. This paper introduced very significant integer factoring algorithms such as trial division, ρ- method, ECM, and NFS and effort to factor RSA-150 composite number ‘n’ of 512 bits by using NFS. It is found that the 512 bit RSA number may be believed to safe from the intruder. However, this system is slow for large volume of data. The computation of c ≡ me mod n required O ((size e )(size n )* (size n)) and space O(size e + size n). Similarly, decryption process also has required O ((size d) (size n) * (size n)) and space O (size d + size n). Java ‘BigInteger’ class is introduced to overcome this shortcoming and successfully applied is presented through this paper.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


RSA RMI Cryptography Encryption Decryption Network Security RSA-1024 NFS ECM