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Adaptive Modulation for SFBC-OFDM Systems with Zero-Forcing Equalization

by P.N. Kota, A.N. Gaikwad, Pranav M. Patil
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 3 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: P.N. Kota, A.N. Gaikwad, Pranav M. Patil

P.N. Kota, A.N. Gaikwad, Pranav M. Patil . Adaptive Modulation for SFBC-OFDM Systems with Zero-Forcing Equalization. Communications on Applied Electronics. 3, 2 ( October 2015), 6-11. DOI=10.5120/cae2015651870

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The Space frequency block coded OFDM gives better performance in highly frequency selective and time varying channel than STBC OFDM. Hence this system can be mostly useful in vehicular communication where user is highly mobile. In this paper, An Adaptive modulation scheme for SFBC-OFDM system is proposed to give the reliable connectivity as well as efficient data rate to highly mobile user. Here, the bit rate is adapted according to the SNR value estimated from channel. For variation in bit rate the M-QAM modulations scheme is selected by comparing estimated SNR value and threshold value for switching. Also to reduce the effect channel which distorted the transmitted signal the Zero forcing (ZF) equalization is used. Finally performance of proposed system is analyzed with BER VS SNR plot.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) Space Frequency Block coding (SFBC) Space time block coding (STBC)