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A Novel Non-cryptographic Security Services for Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Smart Grid

by Ali M. Allam
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 3 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Ali M. Allam

Ali M. Allam . A Novel Non-cryptographic Security Services for Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Smart Grid. Communications on Applied Electronics. 3, 7 ( December 2015), 35-39. DOI=10.5120/cae2015651995

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title = { A Novel Non-cryptographic Security Services for Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Smart Grid },
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Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) is an architecture for automated, two-way communication between a smart utility meter and a utility company.  It is responsible for collecting all the data and information from the loads and consumers. These data and information are critical as it threats the reliability of electrical energy delivery and consumers' privacy. Traditional security solution rely on public key infrastructure may not suitable due to the scalability of the electric grid. In this paper, the author presents a non-cryptographic approach for providing confidentiality, integrity, and authentication (CIA) for AMI. The methods presented in this paper based on the hardware and physical layer approach. A basic idea of the integrity and authentication techniques is to use physical unclonable function (PUF), while the confidentiality technique is based on channel status information of wireless channel between the AMI subsystems. Our approach is secure and efficient for large scale network.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Advance Metering Infrastructure; Hardware intrinsic security; physical-layer security.