Communications on Applied Electronics |
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA |
Volume 4 - Number 1 |
Year of Publication: 2016 |
Authors: Subhashis Maitra |
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Subhashis Maitra . Smart Energy meter using Power Factor Meter and Instrument Transformer. Communications on Applied Electronics. 4, 1 ( January 2016), 31-37. DOI=10.5120/cae2016652015
Electric Supply office sends the consumption bill for the previous month depending on the consumption as indicated by the conventional electric meter placed in a domestic premises or business place. The consumer then going to the electricity office, stands in front of a long queue to pay the bill. This process is very much cumbersome and hazardous and also very cost effective both for the suppliers and the users. Advance researches on energy meter develop many new and cost efficient technologies to construct energy meter that help at the same time to improve the billing system as well as the payment system. In this paper, a new concept on energy meter has been explained using power factor meter and instrument transformer using embedded technology. The proposed energy meter is smart enough also for billing and payment system. This meter can automatically disconnect the power line with the meter circuit in the absence of any person in the room or in the office and thus is helpful in power saving. The proposed meter uses a pre-paid smart card. For the first time use, the consumer has to pay an amount according to the maximum demand and the smart card will be recharged accordingly. Then when the recharge value will be equal to the stop value, a warning is to be provided by the smart meter and the card is to be recharged again. The card may be recharged through net-banking, Davit/Credit card like all other rechargeable card.