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Performance Analysis of Neighbor Discovery and Location Verification (NDLV) Scheme in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks against Adversarial Nodes

by E. Gnanamanoharan, R. Bensraj
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 4 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: E. Gnanamanoharan, R. Bensraj

E. Gnanamanoharan, R. Bensraj . Performance Analysis of Neighbor Discovery and Location Verification (NDLV) Scheme in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks against Adversarial Nodes. Communications on Applied Electronics. 4, 4 ( February 2016), 19-25. DOI=10.5120/cae2016652069

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%A E. Gnanamanoharan
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%T Performance Analysis of Neighbor Discovery and Location Verification (NDLV) Scheme in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks against Adversarial Nodes
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A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a continuously self-configuring, infrastructure-less network of mobile devices connected without wires. Each node supports the routing process of the communication to improve the overall throughput in entire network. Due random movement neighbor nodes comes into the coverage area of a base station and leaves at every fraction of time, which must be trusted for service handling. Adversary nodes replies with the route discovery phase using false location information with the intension to get participate in the routing process. After gets selected it simply discard the packets received, or manipulate the packets, or else it will never receive the packets because of the false location. This makes considerable amount of performance degradation. Routing algorithms for MANETs usually assume that nodes are cooperative and non-malicious. Hence a adversary or malicious node can easily become an important routing agent and disrupt network operations by disobeying the protocol specifications. The “Neighbor Discovery and Location Verification (NDLV) is a scheme utilized to protect the network from adversary nodes by verifying the location of neighbor nodes to improve performance and efficiency in MANET's. The NDLV Scheme identifies a trusted neighbor nodes by extracting timing, finding location and computing the distance between each pair of nodes. The scheme adapts quickly to location changes when node movement is frequent, yet requires little or no overhead during the periods in which hosts move less frequently. The performance analysis and simulation are carried out to compare with un trusted system based on existing AODV based on the quantitative metrics packet delivery ratio, routing overhead and end-to-end delay. The simulated result helps to understand the performance of NDLV in two different scenarios.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Critical node adversary node neighbor attack reliability location verification MANET's performance Neighbor discovery.