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Security Research of a Social Payment App and Suggested Improvement

by Swapna Khandekar, Jingyuan Liang, Abdul Razaque, Fathi Amsaad, Musbah Abdulgader
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 4 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Swapna Khandekar, Jingyuan Liang, Abdul Razaque, Fathi Amsaad, Musbah Abdulgader

Swapna Khandekar, Jingyuan Liang, Abdul Razaque, Fathi Amsaad, Musbah Abdulgader . Security Research of a Social Payment App and Suggested Improvement. Communications on Applied Electronics. 4, 5 ( February 2016), 14-21. DOI=10.5120/cae2016652059

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%A Jingyuan Liang
%A Abdul Razaque
%A Fathi Amsaad
%A Musbah Abdulgader
%T Security Research of a Social Payment App and Suggested Improvement
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Electronic commerce has become integral part of business operation and individual person’s life. It is easy, fast and reliable way of money transfer. However with new technology security related issues have increased drastically. In this research, study of a payment application “Square Cash” has been done from different aspects like checking security related issues and suggestions have been given for improvement. To measure performance of used payment procedure in square cash, one should understand flaws in depth in payment application. This research analyzes the security related issues of application “Square Cash” and highlights flaws in existing application. Author has used different methods to inspect this application which includes doing reverse engineering, observing and finding risks related to social engineering attacks. Also they have proposed secured payment protocol using self-certified key generation method. Introduction of this cryptographic system will keep transactions more reliable and secured. This research provides developers guidelines to build secure and usable online payment applications. This will result in a better payment application which will gain customers trust and will increase e-commerce business.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Square Cash Cryptography Key Generation Payment Gateway Encryption.