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Reseach Article

Role of Information Technology to Choose Optimized Strategies in Management

by Roshanak Kakasoltani, Einollah Deiri
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 4 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Roshanak Kakasoltani, Einollah Deiri

Roshanak Kakasoltani, Einollah Deiri . Role of Information Technology to Choose Optimized Strategies in Management. Communications on Applied Electronics. 4, 5 ( February 2016), 51-57. DOI=10.5120/cae2016652102

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This study analyzes the use of Information Technology (IT) in management accounting and also the potentials and drawbacks of adopting IT in management accounting. IT changes frequently and accounting standards remain for many years without any major change. IT and management accounting are vital to both small and large organizations. Accounting bodies and communities have instantly stressed the need for a shift in accountants’ education by increasing the knowledge of information systems and IT knowledge. This paper examines the relationship between IT and management accounting. The past literature also indicates the potential of IT in management accounting that will simplify the calculation process and better presentable options of the business data for effective decision making. The literature findings also indicate that IT has major impact on the costs, as implementing IT will result in big spending on the technology hardware, software and IT personnel. The study also shows that IT can improve accounting department efficiency and produce result effortlessly, timely and accurately. Accountants are recommended special attention to this issue.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Information technology management accounting budgeting business decisions system technology