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Authenticated Wireless Information Display System using GSM Module

by Varun Shukla, Ankit Kushwaha, Shivam Singh Parihar, Shubham Srivastava, Varun Pratap Singh
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 5 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Varun Shukla, Ankit Kushwaha, Shivam Singh Parihar, Shubham Srivastava, Varun Pratap Singh

Varun Shukla, Ankit Kushwaha, Shivam Singh Parihar, Shubham Srivastava, Varun Pratap Singh . Authenticated Wireless Information Display System using GSM Module. Communications on Applied Electronics. 5, 3 ( Jun 2016), 7-11. DOI=10.5120/cae2016652251

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%A Shivam Singh Parihar
%A Shubham Srivastava
%A Varun Pratap Singh
%T Authenticated Wireless Information Display System using GSM Module
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In the world of data transmission, crowded places like colleges, hospitals, railway stations and various other places are facing the problem of wired notice boards with much complex circuitry which is problematic because one has to present in the office in order to change the information of the notice board. We suggest an authenticated system which can overcome these obstacles. We need to replace all this with a circuit that is prepared with the components like GSM module, a wireless display unit, microcontroller and some other important elements. Here it is important to mention that in a notice board based system authentication is very important which is the major cryptographic goal. Authentication can be achieved by various ways and in this paper we adopt one of the available methods along with the message display system.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Authentication Security Wireless Communication GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) Cryptography