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Reseach Article

Edge Detection Improvement by Ant Colony Optimization Compared to Traditional Methods on Brain MRI Image

by Maya Nayak, Prasannajit Dash
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 5 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Maya Nayak, Prasannajit Dash

Maya Nayak, Prasannajit Dash . Edge Detection Improvement by Ant Colony Optimization Compared to Traditional Methods on Brain MRI Image. Communications on Applied Electronics. 5, 8 ( Aug 2016), 19-23. DOI=10.5120/cae2016652341

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title = { Edge Detection Improvement by Ant Colony Optimization Compared to Traditional Methods on Brain MRI Image },
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issue_date = { Aug 2016 },
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pages = { 19-23 },
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%A Maya Nayak
%A Prasannajit Dash
%T Edge Detection Improvement by Ant Colony Optimization Compared to Traditional Methods on Brain MRI Image
%J Communications on Applied Electronics
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

An image is considered as a set of pixels that are connected in such a manner to form a boundary between two disjoints regions. Typically, the edge detection approach goes through the segmentation process by segmenting an image into regions of discontinuity. Hence it is a technique for marking sharp intensity changes. In this paper, it presents the Ant Colony Optimization based mechanism to compensate broken edges. There are various traditional edge detection techniques as Prewitt, Robert, Sobel, Marr Hildrith and Canny operators. On comparing them, it can be seen that Canny edge detector performs better than all other edge detectors on aspects such as it is adaptive in nature, generally performs better for noisy image by giving sharp images. Also it has been seen that remainders of pheromone trail as compensable edges are needed after finite iterations. Experimental results prove that compared to traditional image edge detection operators, the proposed Ant Colony Optimization(ACO) approach is very efficient in broken edges and more efficient than the traditional ones. The proposed ACO-based edge detection approach is to establish particularly a pheromone matrix that represents the edge information presented at each pixel of the image, according to the movements of a number of ants which are supposed to be dispatched in order to move on the image.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Ant Colony Optimization Edge Detection Marr Hildrith Canny Prewitt Robert Sobel