Communications on Applied Electronics |
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA |
Volume 5 - Number 9 |
Year of Publication: 2016 |
Authors: Rohini H., Rajashekar S. |
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Rohini H., Rajashekar S. . Design of Reversible Logic based Basic Combinational Circuits. Communications on Applied Electronics. 5, 9 ( Sep 2016), 38-43. DOI=10.5120/cae2016652372
With advances in VLSI technology, we are able to integrate more and more devices on single unit area to build more and more low power portable applications. As device size decreasing power dissipation becoming major concern for the design. In order to build low power systems there is a need for new technology which adapts logic which conserves energy and dissipates no power. Such upcoming technologies are quantum computing, quantum cellular automata, DNA computing, Optical computing and nano technologies. we have reversible circuits which dissipates no power or with zero internal power dissipation.. So there is a need for building combinational and sequential reversible circuits so that future computer can be replaced.. Attempt is made in this paper to build basic combinational logic circuits using reversible gates to minimize quantum cost, garbage outputs, ancilla inputs and gates. Results are verified using Xilinx14.2 tool with Spartan3 FPGA kit.