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A Proposed Method to Select Potential Item Set for High Utility Item Set Mining using Genetic Algorithm Techniques

by Pradeep Sharma, Ruchika Pachori, RajLaxmi Garg
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 6 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Pradeep Sharma, Ruchika Pachori, RajLaxmi Garg

Pradeep Sharma, Ruchika Pachori, RajLaxmi Garg . A Proposed Method to Select Potential Item Set for High Utility Item Set Mining using Genetic Algorithm Techniques. Communications on Applied Electronics. 6, 8 ( Mar 2017), 35-40. DOI=10.5120/cae2017652542

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author = { Pradeep Sharma, Ruchika Pachori, RajLaxmi Garg },
title = { A Proposed Method to Select Potential Item Set for High Utility Item Set Mining using Genetic Algorithm Techniques },
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issue_date = { Mar 2017 },
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%A Pradeep Sharma
%A Ruchika Pachori
%A RajLaxmi Garg
%T A Proposed Method to Select Potential Item Set for High Utility Item Set Mining using Genetic Algorithm Techniques
%J Communications on Applied Electronics
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Utility mining is a technique to prune high utility itemset from the given transactional database on the basis of user-defined minimum utility threshold. Frequent itemset mining, only focus on itemset appear most frequently in the database while in utility mining we concern about utility i.e. importance or profit of itemset according to the user preference. In this paper we are proposing a two-phase algorithm, in the first phase, we are using weighted transaction utility concept to calculate and compare the utility of itemset with minimum utility threshold and then in the second phase, we are proposing genetic algorithm technique to search high utility itemset from the recognized transactional database obtain after the first phase.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Data Mining Weighted Transaction Utility Utility Mining Genetic Algorithm.