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Reseach Article

A Novel Design of Sophisticated Distributed Knowledge Extraction Process on Grid Architecture

by Shahina Parveen M., G. Narsimha
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 7 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Shahina Parveen M., G. Narsimha

Shahina Parveen M., G. Narsimha . A Novel Design of Sophisticated Distributed Knowledge Extraction Process on Grid Architecture. Communications on Applied Electronics. 7, 12 ( Jan 2018), 12-19. DOI=10.5120/cae2018652740

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With the rising demands of ubiquitous applications, the complexities associated with the data are exponentially increasing. Although, such massively generated complex data doesn’t pose much challenge in storage system, but it definitely strikes a challenging problem in order to perform mining. The process of discovering the valuable knowledge becomes much challenging if a distributed architecture of grid network is considered. Therefore, the proposed system introduces a novel architecture that is capable of performing error-free distributed mining over grid networks. The significant contribution of proposed system is to apply a novel and cost effective optimization technique for simplifying the data structurization problem in distributed system that is found to normalize the existing data complexity problems. The study outcome exhibits significantly low errors and minimal computational cost in presence of peak traffic condition to prove that proposed architecture offers better mining approach in contrast to existing approaches.

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  37. Shahina Parveen Mhas worked as Assistant Professor , Department of ISE, BhageerathiBai Narayan Rao Manay Institute of Technology, Bangalore. She has got 9 years of teaching experience. She has obtained Bachelor of Engineering from JNT University in the year 2005. She studied Masters of Technology from ANU, Guntur, AP and was awarded in the year 2010. Now she is a Ph.D student in the dept of CSE at JNT University, Hyderabad, India. She has published many papers in both national and international
  38. Dr. G. Narsimha is working as professor at JNTUH, Karim Nagar, Telangana, India. He has completed his B.E in ECE at Osmaniya University, Hyderabad and obtained Master degree in CS&E in 1999 at Osmaniya University. He has awarded doctrate in CS&E Osmaniya University Hyderbad, India in July 2009. He has about 17years of teaching experience. He has published 70 papers in both national & international conferences followed by 38 interanational and nation journals. 7 PhD are awarded and 11
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Analytics Data Mining Distributed Grid Computing Knowledge Discovery Data Complexity