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Reseach Article

Design of Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Antenna

by Hafssa Amer, Mahmood A. K. Abdulsattar
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 7 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Hafssa Amer, Mahmood A. K. Abdulsattar

Hafssa Amer, Mahmood A. K. Abdulsattar . Design of Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Antenna. Communications on Applied Electronics. 7, 17 ( Jun 2018), 14-20. DOI=10.5120/cae2018652774

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title = { Design of Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Antenna },
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%A Hafssa Amer
%A Mahmood A. K. Abdulsattar
%T Design of Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Antenna
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The cavity-backed slots SIW antenna that suitable with planar devices is designed, simulated, implemented, and measured. The design is about of two forms of a slotted cavity at bottom side, but the microstrip line is fed at top side. The feeding line and the cavity-backed slots can be implemented on a single substrate using standard printed circuit board (PCB) process. The idea is to merge specific slot models on the cavity back side such as lateraled and meandered slots. An SIW antenna is presented, the simulation results show a 6.35 dB gain, 7.3 dB directivity, and -0.9512 dB (80.33 %) radiation efficiency, and the measurements show that the reflection coefficient (S11) at 10.2 GHz is -37.23 dB with a bandwidth of 345 MHZ (3.38 %). The combination of cavity-back slots, planar feeding, and SIW antenna design, leads to light weight, size reduction, easy implementation, and simple integration with planar circuits.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cavity-backed a slot antenna substrate integrated waveguide (SIW).