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Reseach Article

An Extensive Research Survey on Networked Control Systems (NCS)

by Anupama S.
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 7 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Anupama S.

Anupama S. . An Extensive Research Survey on Networked Control Systems (NCS). Communications on Applied Electronics. 7, 20 ( Sep 2018), 1-10. DOI=10.5120/cae2018652784

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The system which closes its control loops with the help of communication networks is known as networked control systems (NCSs). These communication networks include both the feedback and control signals exchanged among the system components like controller, sensors, actuators, etc. The NCSs exhibits its applicability in the wide range of applications in signal processing and industrial control. Recently, the NCS has become an interesting research topic for both academia and industry. With the advancement in the research trend, there is a need for consolidation of the latest information and knowledge on that to understand the research requirements. Thus, this paper introduces a research survey on the different types of approaches evolved for NCS in recent years. This paper is initialized by discussing the essential aspects of the NCS and its applications. Further, the NCS caused issues are described and then followed with the discussion on different controlling mechanisms. Also, to find the gaps in the current research some of the recent research surveyed. Followingly, the current state of the art in the research of NCS is given. Finally, the paper is ended-up with a conclusion and futuristic scope of the research survey.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Actuators Controllers NCS Network induced delay packet dropouts Sampling Sensors.