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A Decentralized Damage Detection System for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks

by Mili Verma, Himani Garg
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 7 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Mili Verma, Himani Garg

Mili Verma, Himani Garg . A Decentralized Damage Detection System for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks. Communications on Applied Electronics. 7, 20 ( Sep 2018), 15-21. DOI=10.5120/cae2018652786

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title = { A Decentralized Damage Detection System for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks },
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The miraculous capabilities of observing the physical world then processing the data, making decisions and performing appropriate actions of wireless sensor and actuator networks (WSAN) enable these networks to provide the several service oriented applications, such as environmental monitoring, industrial applications, security and surveillance, entertainment, smart building and healthcare(health monitoring and medical diagnostics). In such applications, our monitoring area empowered with wireless smart devices, are able to self-monitor and autonomously respond to situations using computational intelligence. This research focuses on developing a module to be setup in the hospitals to monitor the damage detection, which results delay on doctor and patient performances and also monitor WSAN sensor performances. This research work presents a decentralized algorithm for detecting damage by using a WSAN. Our algorithm makes use of cooperative information fusion for calculating a damage coefficient. Before the algorithm starts the network must be already deployed on the structure to be monitored. We found that our collaborative and information fusion-based approach ensures the accuracy of our algorithm . This is tolerable for maximum 100 nodes or less in the WSAN, operating system and protocols can last as long as 468 days.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Wireless Sensor and Actuator Decentralize Algorithm Information Fusion Hospital Monitoring.