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Comparative Analysis of Performance of a Developed Energy-efficient Optimal Frequency System Versus Existing Overlay and Underlay Approaches

by Oluwaseun S. Adewuyi, Matthew I. Ehikhamenle, Samson I. Ojo, Benjamin O. Akinloye
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 7 - Number 39
Year of Publication: 2023
Authors: Oluwaseun S. Adewuyi, Matthew I. Ehikhamenle, Samson I. Ojo, Benjamin O. Akinloye

Oluwaseun S. Adewuyi, Matthew I. Ehikhamenle, Samson I. Ojo, Benjamin O. Akinloye . Comparative Analysis of Performance of a Developed Energy-efficient Optimal Frequency System Versus Existing Overlay and Underlay Approaches. Communications on Applied Electronics. 7, 39 ( Aug 2023), 16-25. DOI=10.5120/cae2023652901

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%A Matthew I. Ehikhamenle
%A Samson I. Ojo
%A Benjamin O. Akinloye
%T Comparative Analysis of Performance of a Developed Energy-efficient Optimal Frequency System Versus Existing Overlay and Underlay Approaches
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This paper proposed an effective switching technique between Overlay Cognitive Radio (OCR) and Underlay Cognitive Radio (UCR) in a wireless communication system. The availability of white or brown space is achieved using energy detector and the system switches to overlay approach when there is presence of white space, and instantly switches to underlay approach when there is presence of brown space based on the switching algorithm. Also, Hybrid Decode Amplify and Forward (H-DAF) cooperative relay technique is incorporated to enhance the coverage area of the cognitive user. During the underlay approach, the received signal at the relay node is decoded, amplified, and coded using CDMA before forwarding to the CU receiver. The proposed spectrum management system is simulated using MATLAB R2021a and evaluated using Throughput (TP) and Spectral Efficiency (SE) by comparing with the existing overlay and underlay CR approach. The simulated outcomes showed the designed system demonstrated improved switching system and performances than the existing techniques with highest TP and SE values and can be adopted in wireless communication designs for effective frequency spectrum usage.

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  28. Oluwaseun S. Adewuyi/ has B.Tech. degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering, M.Eng. in Communications Engineering from LAUTECH, Nigeria in 2008 and FUTA, Nigeria in 2013, respectively. He is currently a Doctoral student at Centre for Information and Telecommunication Engineering (CITE), University of Port-Harcourt (UNIPORT), Nigeria and a Manager at the Nigerian Communications Commission, NCC (an independent telecoms regulatory agency in Nigeria). His area of research includes Communication En
  29. Matthew I. Ehikhamenle has B.Eng., Electrical/Electronic Engineering from AAU, Ekpoma in 2007 and M.Eng. degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering from UNIBEN in 2010, Nigeria. He obtained his Ph.D. degree specializing in Electronics and Communications from MOUAU, Nigeria. He is presently a Senior lecturer in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, UNIPORT, Nigeria, where he is the Assistant Director of the Centre for information and telecommunication Engineering (CITE). His rese
  30. Samson I. Ojo received his B. Tech and M. Tech degrees in Electronic and Electrical Engineering in 2011 and 2018, respectively, from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso, Nigeria. He is a registered member of Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN). He obtained his Ph.D. in mobile communication in the year 2021. His research interests are signal processing, diversity, and cognitive radio.
  31. Benjamin O. Akinloye received his B.Tech from LAUTECH, Nigeria in 2009 and M.Eng. degrees in Electronic and Electrical Engineering in 2014 from FUTA, Nigeria. He completed his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the UNN, Nigeria in 2023. He is a lecturer at the Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Nigeria. His research interests are electrical machine design and smart grids.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cognitive radio; Dynamic Spectrum Access; white space; brown space; signal to interference ratio; Spectrum Utilization Efficiency.