CFP last date
28 March 2025

Guidance for submissions

While it is true that getting your work published may not be financially profitable for you, the exposure and prestige you do get once you get your work published in a high-profile journal tops any amount of paycheck equivalent!

Aside from this, getting your work published will help you establish a more solid career foundation. It will also help you gain an audience if your career profile includes being featured in an academic journal. But all success stories have an accompanying story of extreme hard work. Since academic journals receive a great number of submissions, scientific journal rejection rates could be as high as 90% as they can be selective in choosing their content.

One very important factor in deciding the acceptance of your work for publication is to write your article in the format specified by our standard CAE template. When you write your article, specific content and formatting compliances are mandatory.

When it comes to formatting, different styles in writing a research paper come handy. These styles help you standardise your research paper according to the style required by the journal.

The purpose of using a particular style in writing a research paper is to make sure that everything from structure and organization of content, citations or referents to bibliography all are in a form in accordance to the format used.

A lot of times you read articles that go on and on and never really get to the point of it all. Don't be like that and structure your article writing to be to the point and to give enough information for the reader to be curious.

Precise paper submission guidelines

While it is true that every journal has its own protocols or set of rules regarding the submission process, here’s a list of pointers your journal article should follow:

  • Format and Size
  • All material on each page should fit within a rectangle of 18 x 23.5 cm (7" x 9.25"), centered on the page, beginning 2.54 cm (1") from the top of the page and ending with 2.54 cm (1") from the bottom. The right and left margins should be 1.9 cm (.75”). The text should be in two 8.45 cm (3.33") columns with a .83 cm (.33") gutter.

  • Title
  • The title should be in centred, bold and Helvetica 18-point font.

  • Abstract
  • The abstract should be in left justified, bold and times new roman 12-point font.

  • Keywords
  • The keywords should be left justified, regular and times new roman 12-point font.

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  • Headings and sub-headings
    • Major headings must be numbered sequentially, left justified, bolded and times new roman 12-point font.
    • Sub-headings:

    1.1 Sub-headings

    Should be numbered according to the main heading, left justified, regular and in italics. One space line should precede and follow a sub-heading. Only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized.

    1.1.1 Sub sub-heading

    You should avoid the use of sub sub-headings unless absolutely necessary. If you use sub sub-headings they should be numbered according to the main heading, left indented, regular and in italics. One space line should precede and follow a sub sub-heading. Only the first letter of the first word should be capitalised.

  • Figures and tables
  • Should be integrated within the text as soon as possible after they have been cited.

  • Footnotes
  • At the bottom of the page should be kept to a minimum and numbered consecutively throughout the text with superscript Arabic numerals.

  • Formulae
  • Displayed formulae should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper as (1), (2), etc., against the right hand margin of the page.

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  • References
  • References should follow the APA(American Psychological Association)-style of referencing. Examples of the APA-style are as follows:

    • Reference to an article in a journal: Paivio, A., Jansen, B., & Becker, L.J. (1975). Comparisons through the mind’s eye. Cognition, 37 (2), 635-647.
    • Reference to a journal supplement: Yuen, A.W.C. (1994). Lamotrigine: a review of antiepileptic efficacy. Epilepsia, 35 (Suppl. 5) S33-S36.
    • Reference to an article in a periodical or newspaper: Richardson, J.D. (1998, July 15). Evidence for periodic reconnection at Uranus. Fort Worth Star-Telegram, p. E1.
    • Reference to a special issue (when the special issue itself has a title): Glaser, R., & Bond, L. (Eds.). (1981). Testing: Concepts and research [Special issue]. American Psychologist, 36 (10).
    • References to a special issue that is also a conference proceedings: Yasuda, N., Takagi, S.-i., & Toriumi, A. (1997). Special shape analysis of infrared absorption of thermally grown silicon dioxide films. Applied Surface Science, 117-18(June II)), 216-220.
    • Article from an Online Journal: Nisbett, R.E., Wilson, T.D., (1977). The Halo Effect: Evidence for Unconscious Alteration of Judgments. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 35 (4), 250-256. Retrieved from:
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Illustrative Guidlines
  • Illustrations such as photographs, charts, graphs, drawings, and diagrams should be labeled, so that they correspond with their mention in the text (e.g. Table-1, Figure-2,Diagram-3).
  • The author should try to import the graph directly from MS Excel or other tools rather than converting the graph into a bit-map image. This reduces the quality of the graph.
  • Isolated website references such as “[1]” must not be used. The web reference must be accompanied with relevant information regarding the source.
  • Do not use too much color and animated graphics in a research paper.
  • The diagrams to be used in the paper must be drawn using MS features or other tools rather than inserting as the image. The text labels in the diagrams/images must be clearly visible.
  • The equations to be used in the papers mustn’t be written in ASCII. The authors can use the features of Microsoft Equation or suitable software to create the formulas. Images of the formula are not acceptable.
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Charge for Publication

Charge for general paper: USD 62.50 Charges includes publication, indexing, maintenance of link resolvers and journal infrastructures. Details regarding procuring hard copy of the journal can be found at this link.