CFP last date
28 March 2025

Guidelines on copyright form

Copyright Transfer

Once any manuscript is selected for publication in Communications on Applied Electronics, the authors must submit the copyright transfer document to CAE. The copyright form is available from this link.

Please refer the comprehensive set of guidelines while filing the copyright form.

  • Part A: The "Signature" section must have the signature of the lead or corresponding author of the article. "Print Name" section must have the full name of the lead author.
  • Part B: This section is applicable if the published material belongs to any government organization.
  • Part C: Applicable if you have used any Third-Party Material in your paper (i.e. figure, table, photo or other image) and their subsequent permissions.
  • Part A is mandatory: If Part B and C are not applicable leave these sections blank. Please email the scanned copy of signed copyright document to the Editor CAE at . Alternatively, you can mail the copyright forms to the FCS offices at:

Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), 244 5th Avenue, # 1526, New York, NY 10001, USA.

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Frequently asked questions:
Why should I transfer copyright?

There are two main reasons why we ask you to transfer copyright.

  • Ownership of copyright by the journal owner facilitates international protection against infringement of copyright, libel or plagiarism;
  • It also ensures that requests by third parties to reprint or reproduce a contribution, or part of it, in either print or electronic form, are handled efficiently in accordance with our general policy which encourages dissemination of knowledge within the framework of copyright.
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Will transferring copyright prevent me from exploiting my own work?

Not at all. As an author, you retain right to:

  • All other proprietary rights to the work such as patent;
  • The right to reuse any portion of the work, without fee, in future works of the Employer/Author's own,** including books, lectures and presentations in all media, provided that the CAE citation and notice of the Copyright are included (See Part A below);
  • The right to revise the work. Please mail the Editor at to upload any revisions to existing work.;
  • The right to post author-prepared versions of the work covered by CAE copyright in a personal collection on their own Home Page and on a publicly accessible server of their employer. Such posting is limited to noncommercial access and personal use by others, and must include this notice both embedded within the full text file and in the accompanying citation display as well, i.e.: "© CAE, (YEAR). This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of CAE for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in PUBLICATION, {VOL#, NUM#, (DATE)}"
  • (Article DOIs are on their citation pages in the CAE Digital Library.)
  • The right of an employer who originally owned copyright to distribute definitive copies of its author-employees work within its organization. Posting these works for world access requires explicit permission from CAE.
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What do I need to do about using previously published material?

Authors are responsible for obtaining written permission from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere. Add your acknowledgements to the typescript, preferably in the form of an Acknowledgements section at the end of the contribution. Credit the source and copyright of photographs or figures in the accompanying captions.

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What is the difference between copyright infringement and plagiarism?

Copyright infringement occurs when an author's work is reused or republished without the permission of the copyright owner, whether or not author attribution accompanied the reuse. Plagiarism occurs when an author's work has been reused or republished in such a manner as to make it appear as someone else's work, e.g., without quotation marks and citation of the original work.