CFP last date
28 March 2025

Increase chances of your work been published

The submission process is extremely competitive so here are a few tips you may want to consider to increase your chances of getting the confirmation/ acceptance note from CAE:


We have typed this in full capitalization because reading is one of the most important things a good writer should do, especially he’s in the field of writing. To become a good writer, it also follows that you’re a good reader as well. Reading helps writers learn more about their particular fields of study. This also helps readers distinguish which writing techniques actually work and which ones do not. The wider a reader you are, the more you’ll likely excel at your craft.


Academic journals differ from one another, in the sense that they all have their own set of guidelines when it comes to submission process. They may also require certain type of formatting that differ from another journal’s format requirements. Therefore, it is important to research and know the guidelines of the particular journal you’re planning to submit your article to. Take note of its specifications regarding formatting, style, simultaneous submissions, online submissions, print submissions, etc. Simply neglecting an editor’s formatting requirements may cause a rejection slip for you.

Some journals accept submissions based on fields of specialization and times of the year. There are journals that release publications just annually, semi-annually and quarterly. Some may only accept submissions based on a particular theme. It will also be helpful if you’d visit the journal’s website and look at their list of “aims and scope” as these will give you a hint regarding what types of articles they do and do not publish. This will give you an idea where your work is appropriate for the said journal or not. By researching, you get a more vivid picture of what the journal’s expectations are. You may then use these as your guidelines while writing your journal article submission and lower the chances of getting your submission rejected.

Be Professional

It is good to have a cover letter which indicates the journal article submission’s title, the list of its author/s, and its main principles and concluding statements of your article. Alternately, the journal may instead require an author’s biography along with the work you are to submit. In writing a cover letter, it is best to keep it short and honest. Avoid exaggerating as this gives readers false impressions and even unmet expectations.